Tendo-se interessado pelo universo cósmico desde as suas primeiras obras (Volumes no Espaço, 1969-70) e com passagens pela land art (A Viagem, 1973), arte conceptual (1974) e estudo de paisagens extraterrestres (Além-paisagens, 1971-77), o autor, servindo-se propositadamente dos meios mais tradicionais (a pintura), desenvolveu nos últimos anos um sistema pictórico à base de pontos, utilizando sprays, vários tipos de projecção de tintas, cores metalizadas e fluorescentes, e diversas outras técnicas exploratórias, em que os pingos de tinta não são resultado aleatório de uma expressão abstracta ou puramente visual, mas pelo contrário, objectos concretos.
Tudo o que existe é constituído por pontos (átomos, partículas, planetas, etc) e o infinitamente grande obedece às mesmas leis que o infinitamente pequeno.
Eyes Only é composto por vários pólos:
Cosmic Points (2006-07) são uma amostra do levantamento de vários sectores do universo usando diversas formas de tratamento do espaço e da cor, no seguimento de Katalog - Catálogo dos Corpos Celestes, obra ciclópica iniciada em 1978 e em construção permanente. Daqui a ideia de tríptico (Light - Counterlight - Reflexion) que utiliza diferentes conceitos do uso da pintura.
As Expanded Galaxies são recriações das chamadas galáxias gémeas, a Via Lactea (2008-09) e a Andromeda (2009), tratadas no entanto de forma muito diferente. Uma de perfil e a outra numa perspectiva impossível de ser captada da Terra: vista de “baixo” como que observada de um ponto do espaço oposto e simétrico ao da Terra. Cada uma é constituída por 13 painéis propositadamente separados por 13 cm (não está o universo em expansão?).
Em NeutrinoPhaseOne (parte de uma série de 28 trabalhos de 2009 ainda em curso) o autor debruça-se igualmente sobre o mundo sub atómico. Durante muito tempo julgou-se que os neutrinos, partículas de carga nula e massa muito fraca ( infotografáveis), eram a componente essencial do universo. Nestes trabalhos, a tela é abandonada em prol de uma superfície totalmente rígida e lisa onde se cria um universo metalizado, sem atmosfera nem vácuo, um sistema em que a profundidade do espaço, o movimento aparente e a luz, possam no entanto existir.
Os Stellar Atlas (livros pintados à mão desde 2005 e sempre em construção) são cadernos de estudos onde muitas das experiências são registadas.
Having been interested in the Cosmic universe since its earliest works (Volumes in Space, 1969-70) and with passages by land art (A Viagem, 1973), conceptual art (1974) and study of extraterrestrial landscapes (Outer-landscapes, 1971-77), the author, serving himself purposely of the most traditional means (the painting), has developed in recent years a pictorial system based on points, using sprays, various types of paint projection, metallized and fluorescent colors, and several other exploratory techniques, Where the ink drops are not a random result of an abstract or purely visual expression, but rather concrete objects.
All that exists consists of points (atoms, particles, planets, etc.) and the infinitely large obeys the same laws as the infinitely small.
Eyes Only consists of several poles:
The Galactic Charts are paintings in which the author ironizes about the impossibility of classifying all real and imaginary things. In these works (from a series of 20 conducted between 2005 and 2006) the author cataloging stars, galaxies and others celestial bodies created by themselves, in a poetic attitude of confrontation between science and art. In the Assembly of this exhibition, they constitute a counterpoint to the Expanded Galaxies, which are more recent works.
Cosmic Points (2006-07) are a sample of the survey of various sectors of the universe using various forms of treatment of space and color, following the Katalog-catalog of celestial bodies, cyclical work initiated in 1978 and in permanent construction. Hence the idea of triptych (light-counterlight-reflexion) that uses different concepts of the use of painting.
The Expanded Galaxies are recreations of the so-called twin galaxies, the Milky Way (2008-09) and the Andromeda (2009), treated however in a very different way. One profile and the other in an impossible perspective to be captured from the Earth: A view of "low" as observed from a point of the opposite space and symmetrical to that of the Earth. Each one consists of 13 panels purposely separated by 13 cm (is not the universe expanding?).
In NeutrinoPhaseOne (part of a series of 28 works of 2009 still underway) the author also focuses on the sub atomic world. For a long time it was thought that neutrinos, particles of zero load and very weak mass (unphotographed), were the essential component of the universe. In these works, the canvas is abandoned in favor of a totally rigid and smooth surface where a metallized universe is created, without atmosphere or vacuum, a system in which the depth of space, the apparent movement and the light, may however exist.
The Stellar Atlas (hand-painted books since 2005 and always under construction) are notebooks of studies where many of the experiences are recorded.
Having been interested in the Cosmic universe since its earliest works (Volumes in Space, 1969-70) and with passages by land art (A Viagem, 1973), conceptual art (1974) and study of extraterrestrial landscapes (Outer-landscapes, 1971-77), the author, serving himself purposely of the most traditional means (the painting), has developed in recent years a pictorial system based on points, using sprays, various types of paint projection, metallized and fluorescent colors, and several other exploratory techniques, Where the ink drops are not a random result of an abstract or purely visual expression, but rather concrete objects.
All that exists consists of points (atoms, particles, planets, etc.) and the infinitely large obeys the same laws as the infinitely small.
Eyes Only consists of several poles:
The Galactic Charts are paintings in which the author ironizes about the impossibility of classifying all real and imaginary things. In these works (from a series of 20 conducted between 2005 and 2006) the author cataloging stars, galaxies and others celestial bodies created by themselves, in a poetic attitude of confrontation between science and art. In the Assembly of this exhibition, they constitute a counterpoint to the Expanded Galaxies, which are more recent works.
Cosmic Points (2006-07) are a sample of the survey of various sectors of the universe using various forms of treatment of space and color, following the Katalog-catalog of celestial bodies, cyclical work initiated in 1978 and in permanent construction. Hence the idea of triptych (light-counterlight-reflexion) that uses different concepts of the use of painting.
The Expanded Galaxies are recreations of the so-called twin galaxies, the Milky Way (2008-09) and the Andromeda (2009), treated however in a very different way. One profile and the other in an impossible perspective to be captured from the Earth: A view of "low" as observed from a point of the opposite space and symmetrical to that of the Earth. Each one consists of 13 panels purposely separated by 13 cm (is not the universe expanding?).
In NeutrinoPhaseOne (part of a series of 28 works of 2009 still underway) the author also focuses on the sub atomic world. For a long time it was thought that neutrinos, particles of zero load and very weak mass (unphotographed), were the essential component of the universe. In these works, the canvas is abandoned in favor of a totally rigid and smooth surface where a metallized universe is created, without atmosphere or vacuum, a system in which the depth of space, the apparent movement and the light, may however exist.
The Stellar Atlas (hand-painted books since 2005 and always under construction) are notebooks of studies where many of the experiences are recorded.
1 comentário:
São suas :-) não sabia e por acaso não fiquei com o registo do pintor ou nome, mas estive lá a fazer uma reportagem fotográfica e vi esta sua exposição mto boa sem dúvida cheia de cor e um olhar atento para o nosso universo... um grande trabalho o seu.
Nuno de Sousa
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