Com meu primo Edmundo Pedro durante a inauguração.
terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2008
domingo, 19 de outubro de 2008
Galactic Charts

Pinturas que ironizam sobre a impossibilidade de classificação de todas as coisas reais e imaginárias foram realizadas entre 2005 e 2007. Nestes trabalhos o autor cataloga estrelas e outros corpos celestes criados por si, numa atitude poética de confronto entre a ciência e a arte, criando o absurdo duma sistematização ciclópica. O próprio acto de criar representa portanto a eterna questão da existência humana e da sua perenidade.
De 21 de Outubro a 12 Novembro 2008 na Galeria Ceutarte.
3ª a 6ª das 14h30 às 18h.
Avenida de Ceuta, nº 7, loja 1 em Lisboa.
Paintings that ironize about the impossibility of classifying all real and imaginary things were carried out between 2005 and 2007. In these works the author catalogs stars and other celestial bodies created by himself, in a poetic attitude of confrontation between science and art, creating the absurdity of cyclical systematization. The very act of creation therefore represents the eternal question of human existence and its perpetuity.
From 21 October to 12 November 2008 at the Ceutarte Gallery.
3rd to 6th of 14h30 to 18h.
Avenida de Ceuta, No. 7 in Lisbon.
Paintings that ironize about the impossibility of classifying all real and imaginary things were carried out between 2005 and 2007. In these works the author catalogs stars and other celestial bodies created by himself, in a poetic attitude of confrontation between science and art, creating the absurdity of cyclical systematization. The very act of creation therefore represents the eternal question of human existence and its perpetuity.
From 21 October to 12 November 2008 at the Ceutarte Gallery.
3rd to 6th of 14h30 to 18h.
Avenida de Ceuta, No. 7 in Lisbon.
Galactic Charts,
sábado, 10 de maio de 2008
Spectral Studies

Realizados em 2007/08, são estudos para quadros de grandes dimensões, desenvolvendo-se a partir das gamas espectrais de algumas estrelas verdadeiras, outras inventadas e o espectro solar. O resultado é uma imagem utópica do espaço fotografado pelos telescópios, mas em que o Universo é um pretexto de pesquisa sobre as possibilidades globais da Pintura.
A partir de 15 de Maio 2008 na DeliArt.
Av. Duque de Loulé, 5A em Lisboa.
Carried out in 2007/08, they are studies for very large works, developing from the spectral ranges of some true stars, other invented and the solar spectrum. The result is a utopian image of the space photographed by the telescopes, but in which the universe is a pretext of research on the global possibilities of painting.
Carried out in 2007/08, they are studies for very large works, developing from the spectral ranges of some true stars, other invented and the solar spectrum. The result is a utopian image of the space photographed by the telescopes, but in which the universe is a pretext of research on the global possibilities of painting.
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